How To Integrate Routio At Home 

Giving Routio a try.

As a fellow parent navigating the world of ADHD, I understand that each day can bring new challenges and triumphs. Recently, I've found a tool that has truly transformed our home life - the Routio app. Today, I'd love to share with you how we've integrated Routio into our daily routine.

The most fundamental step was establishing a routine. Using the Routio app, we broke down the day into manageable tasks and activities. This wasn't just a list of things to do, but a structured plan that provided my child with a sense of predictability and control over their day. However, the success of our routine didn't come from the plan itself, but from the involvement of my child in the planning process. We sat down together and chose which tasks they wanted to tackle first. This sense of ownership seemed to spark an engagement in my child that I hadn't seen before.

One of the features of Routio that we've found incredibly beneficial is the ability to track progress. Every task completed, no matter how small, was a victory. Celebrating these achievements together became a source of joy and boosted my child's confidence to take on more tasks. Amidst the tasks and activities, it was important for us to not forget the value of quality time together. We made sure to schedule moments in our day for a shared game or a heart-to-heart talk. These precious connections were crucial to maintaining balance and fostering emotional well-being.

Lastly, I'd like to emphasize that integrating Routio at home is a process. Some days might not go as planned, but that's okay. We learned to approach each day with patience, persistence, and positivity. The Routio app has been a game-changer for our family. It's not just about managing ADHD better, but also about strengthening our bond as a family.

So if you're considering giving Routio a try, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is still progress.

Take care, stay strong, and remember, you're doing an amazing job. 💕


Have Some Daily Quality Time With Your Kid


Societal Attitudes towards ADHD